
Beyond good and evil by friedrich nietzsche
Beyond good and evil by friedrich nietzsche

The will in turn is subject to a shifting and eternally changing viewpoint, based on the power and status of those who operate it. Hence, the meaning and interpretation of words really depend on the will that chooses to manipulate them. Wars have been fought, people have been silenced, disease and destruction have been let loose based on what is considered “good” by certain countries and people in power. For instance an abstraction like “good” could mean anything depending on who is using it. He propounds the theory that ideals are not fixed but change over time, often dramatically, and end up becoming the exact opposite of what they originally were. In this book, Nietzsche takes the position that our subservience to fixed perspectives that are forced on us by our language and our ideals make us incapable of perceiving reality. Beyond Good and Evil, by Friedrich NietzscheĪ searing indictment of concepts like “truth” and “language” Beyond Good and Evil, by Friedrich Nietzsche is a deeply thought provoking book that forms one of the keystones of modern thought and politics.

Beyond good and evil by friedrich nietzsche